
Below are examples of projects I’ve developed and built, highlighting some of the technologies and skills I’ve used in the creation and implementation of the applications.

Food Recipe Android Application

University App Screenshot An Android application developed in Kotlin that allows users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) food recipes. This app provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing your favorite recipes, complete with images, descriptions, and ingredients. Additionally, it includes functionality to sort and filter recipes based on various criteria. Along with authentication for user accounts through Google Singin and Email & Password so users can manage their content.

Technologies Used:

  • Kotlin
  • Android Studio
  • SQLite
  • Firebase
  • JUnit

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Heart Disease Classification

Heart Disease Prediction Screenshot Developed a machine learning model to predict the likelihood of heart disease using Scikit-learn. The model was trained on a publicly available dataset that included various health indicators. Before training, I performed data preprocessing and feature selection to enhance model performance. I experimented with several classification algorithms and found that Logistic Regression provided the best results, achieving an accuracy of 88.52% in predicting whether a patient has heart disease or not.

Technologies Used:

  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Scikit-learn
  • Pandas
  • Numpy

View Jupyter Notebook

Automated Ordering System

Automated Ordering System Screenshot Application was for the purpose of speeding up the process of ordering tobacco and cigarettes for a retail store. It has a basic web-page portal where Sales and Stock reports can be uploaded. These reports are in CSV format and will be parsed using Python within the backend.

Technologies Used:

  • Python
  • Flask
  • SQLite
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • Datatables

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